Account Setup & Login
Account Set-Up#
Creating Your Password
You will receive an invitation email containing a link to complete the set up of your account.
- Simply click the link, and you will be prompted to create a password.
- This password will secure your account and grant you access to your website's Content Management System (CMS).
Helpful Tip: Click the icon on the Password field to see what you have typed.
Logging In#
To login to your website’s Content Management System (CMS), visit:
- If you have entered your Account information correctly you will be directed to the CMS Dashboard.
- If you forget your password, use the “Forgot Password?” link. A password recovery email will be sent to the email associated with your account.
To access the public facing side of your website, visit We recommend having both the CMS and the public facing side of your website open when making changes so you can monitor the changes on the live site as they are made.
Password Reset#
If you forget your password
Visit your CMS login page:
- Click the “Forgot Password?” link.
- Enter the email address for your user account.
- A password recovery email will be sent to you with a link to reset your password.
- The Reset Password screen is the same as the Create Password screen above.
If you encounter issues, contact us.